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Sementi di Cereali, Soia, Mais ibridi, Erba medica, Sorgo, Girasole e Foraggere

Systemic fungicide for the industrial tanning of wheat, barley, rye and triticale.
Bariton Super is the new tanning agent that protects the seed and the plant from the main fungal diseases. It is characterized by an innovative combination of three different fungicide molecules:Prothioconazole,TebuconazoleAndFludioxinil.
The combined and synergistic action of these three molecules ensures the best germinability and vitality of the plant.
Thanks to its incomparable effectiveness, it helps young seedlings to better overcome stressful situations at the beginning of their development and helps to reach higher production levels.

Fungicide for the industrial tanning of wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale.
Redigo Pro is Bayer's new tanning agent for wheat, barley, oat, rye and triticale seeds. It protects the seed and the plant from the main fungal diseases.
It is a systemic fungicide characterized by an innovative combination of two different fungicide molecules:Prothioconazole,Tebuconazole. The dual action effectively controls the pathogens present in the seed and helps the young growing seedlings to better protect themselves from the early attacks of the fungi present in the soil and in the crop residues.
Seed protected with Redigo Pro has greater guarantees of obtaining the expected investment and of best expressing the productive potential of the crop.
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