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Sementi di Cereali, Soia, Mais ibridi, Erba medica, Sorgo, Girasole e Foraggere

The pathogens of corn can be fungi or insects and it is good to know the real incidence of these "enemies" before implementing control strategies.
Most corn fungal pathogens overwinter in the soil, but only a few are capable of causing seed and germinal rot, seedling die-off and root infections. The treatment of corn seed with fungicides can provide advantages both in terms of quantity and for the aspects related to mycotoxin contamination, but these advantages and the constancy with which they occur are conditioned by the interactions between the climatic trend and the specific growing conditions and normally do not appear elevated. The fungus generally present in the soil belongs to the genus Pythium, the damage is caused above all in particularly rainy years and in conditions favoring stagnation.
The systemic tanning agent used by ALLSEEDS is REDIGO M, It protects the seed and the plant from the main fungal diseases. It is characterized by two active ingredients with different mechanisms of action on pathogens: Protioconazole, inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis and Metalaxyl, inhibitor of nucleic acid biosynthesis. The combined and synergistic action of these molecules ensures the best germination and vitality of the plant. Thanks to its unparalleled effectiveness, it helps young seedlings to better overcome stressful situations at the beginning of development and contributes to reaching higher production levels. Redigo M is effective in the prevention of the wilting of maize seedlings and the die-off of arable crops caused by pathogenic fungi:
(Fusarium spp .; Fusarium graminearum; Fusarium verticilliodes)
Arable land dying
( Pythium spp .)
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